Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Information Age 1960-Present Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Information Age 1960-Present - Essay Example The start of the information age began in 1962 by the invention of the first communications satellite called Telstar by Bell Laboratories. This satellite was deployed into space using a Thor-Delta rocket and was the first satellite to successfully relay the first television pictures, fax images, and telephone calls. The ability to transmit images via satellite allows for the sharing of art throughout the world and at a very first rate. This later led to the development of the Internet in 1968 by the US Army. A vital component that led to the development of the Internet was the invention of the computer. The advent of the packet-switching network is what led to the birth of the Internet. Packet switched network called ARPANET especially led to the development of procedures for internetworking in which several detached networks could be linked together. The Internet contains all the information one would like to know about art. Furthermore, it acts as a storage of images of art which individuals can enjoy without seeing the actual art. The Introduction of Fiber Optic communications occurred in 1970 and it was invented by Robert Lauren, Donald Kreck, and Peter Schultz. This fibre is a strand of silica based glass, and its dimensions are similar to human hair, surrounded by a transparent shield. Light is able to be transmitted through the fibre over long distances at a very high rate so as to transport information. The invention of the Compact Disk was in 1987 by a scientist called James T. Russell. The CD as it is commonly known is an optical disc used for the storage of digital information. This was originally developed for the storage of music and later evolved for the storage of even films. The invention of the Microprocessor was done by Marcain Hoff in 1971. This integrated chip greatly improved the use of transistors, however, it could only perform the function it was originally programmed

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