Friday, November 22, 2019

Do You Make Any Money Writing

Do You Make Any Money Writing If you havent been asked this question, you will. Family, especially, are noted for asking if the time you invest in your work is worth the money derived from it. Its as if you are choosing to make what you do. Its as if you are too stupid to walk away when its the last thing you want to do. So, lets empower you a bit. The next time someone brings this question up, turn it around. Ask what they make in their job. Then ask if its the best they can make. Ask if they feel shortchanged. And when they say they deserve to make more, ask them why they arent hunting for another job. Then ask if the time they spend on their job is worth the money derived from it. Why are they working that job if they arent being compensated properly? Chances are, theyll tell you they have no choice. They need the work. They need the money. They hope to make more. They havent been able to find other work. Theyd leave if they could. Whatever the excuse, they will say the last thing they can do is quit. So, chances are theyll also add that they sure wish they could leave because they hate their situation, hate the boss, hate the grind. How do I know? Because 80 percent of people in the world hate their job. Thats when you say that you dont make what youd like to make either, but heaven forbid you have to quit because you love it so much. As a matter of fact, you are thrilled to be doing something you intensely enjoy, and it helps compensate for not making more money. On those days you feel you havent been paid enough, you still smile because thank goodness you are working in a profession you adore. That alone makes it all worthwhile. And then you add . . . you hope you never have to retire from it. Thatll shut them up.

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